Signature Entertainment To Release Southern Ghost Story GHOSTS OF THE OZARKS Starring David Arquette


  • فبراير, الأثنين, 2023

Signature Entertainment To Release Southern Ghost Story GHOSTS OF THE OZARKS Starring David Arquette


Ghosts of the Ozarks

Scream actor David Arquette returns to the screen in Ghosts of the Ozarks, directed by Matt Glass and Jordan Wayne Long.

In post-civil war Arkansas, a young doctor is mysteriously summoned to a remote town in the Ozarks, only to discover the utopian paradise he expected is filled with secrets and surrounded by a menacing, supernatural presence.

Also starring Tim Blake Nelson, Angela Bettis, Phil Morris, Tara Perry and Thomas Hobson, Ghosts of the Ozarks is a thrilling new take on the southern ghost story.

Signature Entertainment are set to release Ghosts of the Ozarks on Digital Platforms in the UK on 23rd May 2022.


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