
Life of Pi By Yann Martel


[EPUB] Life of Pi By Yann Martel

When you hear the title of this book, you will think first of all about the boy and the tiger, who are sailing on a boat in the middle of the vast ocean. The book does have a similar scene, but still it is not the only one. The main character of the story is Pisin. As a child, he suffered a lot because of his unusual name. In the end, he decided to call himself simply Pi in honour of the number. The father of Pi is a director of the zoo. Once he transports animals from India to Canada. Along the way, their ship gets into a strong storm. In the morning Pi wakes up from a loud noise and goes on deck. An alarm sounds. Soon Pi finds himself in a boat, surrounded by several animals. The boat gets further into the ocean. The situation is extremely dangerous and the boy does not know what to do.

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Life of Pi By Yann Martel

I wish you a pleasant reading and awaiting your comments on the novel .. Greetings, Real Story


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